Friday, July 29, 2005

Weekly Album Of The Week #2

This weeks Weekly Album Of The Week (tm) is an oldy but a goody. It may make you cringe, it may make you wanna dance, and for some people it may make them wanna go out and meet other "boys" (not me incidentally. I don't swing that way.) This album was the first Depeche Mode album (1981) and the only one to feature Vince Clarke (later of Erasure and Yaz) as the lead song writer. All of the songs are great, especially "Any Second Now (Voices)" give it listen here or go to your local library and check it out or better yet, BUY THE SUCKER!!!

Also of note: Depeche Mode did nothing worth listening to after 1988's Music For The Masses.

Interestingly Weird Stuff

Thanks to Slick for sending me this weird link of Satan-ish Satan People.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Run! Batman, Run!

Sorry. I spent the day outside again tilling ground so I am too spent to post any thoughts. But I am always willing to entertain with a GIF OF THE DAY. Enjoy...

Friday, July 22, 2005

Weekly Album Of The Week #1

This is the first of what will be weekly postings on what my favorite album of the moment is... and this week its.... An American Prayer by Jim Morrison and the Doors. I don't think I have even thought about the Doors since the summer of 1991, but lately for some inexplicable reason I have been hankering for a bit O'Jim. I imported all of the Doors into my itunes library except for this one album which I just got today from the library and I have been listening to it over and over. This is really a unique album though at times it seems like its somebody trying to imitate Morrison's poetry style (immitated by millions of teenage mensa wanna be hippies everywhere). The flow of the album is very interesting. My favorite track is A Feast of Friends (which I suspect is every fans favorite off this album).

Anyroad if you can past the associations of bad poetry you may have heard (see above) this really is a cool album to steam clean yer carpets to.

Oh My Gawd!!! What Must she be thinking??!!!

In a world where bobbies in the UK are shooting people while looking for terrorists; where resorts in Egypt are bombed weekly; where soldiers and local militia men in Afganistan are trying to find Bin Laden or any other Al-Queda nut; it's nice to know that we have the people of Unity freaking out and slobbering over a report that Enya might be feeling pressure to finish her new album.

These people's posts read like a 12 year olds wistful diary (and I am afraid alot of these people must be 40+!). But I guess in these troubled times we all need to worry about something. I would provide a link but it really is even more a waste of time than todays post (OK I gave you a link anyway).

Thursday, July 21, 2005

How Was Your Day?

I got to do my work today in an office that i figure was somewhere between 110 - 125 degrees, sweat pouring down the back of my neck, and generally wanting to die or go to Washington for Moosefest 2005 (click here for more info on that). Thanks to Slickerpdgjkdfjkgjdfg (or whatever your name is) for todays GIFt of love.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I drove my good buddy all the way to Rigby, Idaho today and I think I have had my fill of Idaho for awhile. Rigby (which has a fine gas station by the name of Taylor's) has the most CORN-FUSIN' street coordinate system I have ever had the displeasure of driving though. Your on North Yellowstone Highway then BAM! it is Hwy 47 then its back to Yellowstone then it winds around and its 45th street. Anyway... Long story short: I dropped them off so now I can dedicate my time to making this blog alittle more worthwhile (while maintaining its general feeling of "i just wasted a few precious minutes of my life looking at this page).

So as usual I will post a pic to make you think... (By the way, the lady sneezing is a gif i picked up at from the Benny Hill Show!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Oh, untimely sickness!

So my friend has been spending the week here with us and I break my back running he and his wife thither and yon. Enduring all sorts of things like giant spiders, burning sand, and planting grass and here I am at the end (almost) of their stay and I manage to get sick. Rotten timing on my part, I suppose...

Rest assured when they are gone I will begin to post wonderful things. In the meantime, here is a pic to make you think. Its supposed to be animated. Hopefully this works!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Time: Fill In Blank

A friend of mine and his wife are here visiting me from Canada this week (so I haven't been able to update like I want to) so i won't be posting for a few days...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Junior High School Burns Down

I am about to vent:

Would you mourn the passing of your junior high school as if it were your favorite dog passing, or a favorite relative tragically murdered? Well some people in Salt Lake City seem to think a fire gutting the local junior high school is a tragedy (if it was full of kids at the time, yes, i would agree). These people need to reevaluate their priorities!

Excerpt: "Teachers, students, parents and leaders at the scorched Wasatch Junior High say it's a devastating loss. Watching the school burn, some had tears in their eyes, and some worried about the future."

Read the whole article here:,1249,600148001,00.html

Incidentally, I went to this school... lemme check... nope, no tears here.

the horror... the horror... the horror

This morning I post this blog with a very sore back. Yesterday I endeavored to take matters into my own hands and chopped down all the weeds in the back yard (which were more like great stalks of hay), raked them up and threw them away. Then my bestfriend came over and we tilled the ground.

I was going to put sod down today, but everything is pointing towards a need to flatten the ground first. My dad has been silghtly adversarial in getting things done, but oh well. As soon as my brother gets back I will have thingts figured out.

In the meantime... There is a web site that features archived web pages from "back in the day". Click here for an instant time machine for star wars fans:*sa_/

Here is also a cool pic I found of Syd Barrett (founder of Pink Floyd) during the making of Wish You Were Here:

Friday, July 08, 2005


O.K. So this is one of a million blogs. So what? I will tell you this: a cool forum to visit is found out if you are into star wars. So hooray! I just made my first post.